District 25
NEBridge - Masterpoint Races

District 25 Top 100 Lifetime Masterpoint Holders

2024 Current  
2023   Year End
2022 July Year End
2021 July Year End
2020 July Year End
2019 July Year End
2018 July Year End
2017 July Year End
2016 July Year End
2015 July Year End
2014 July Year End
2013 July Year End

Regional Tournaments Masterpoint Race

Top 100 masterpoint winners in District 25 Regional tournaments by year:   

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

299er/Gold Rush Regional Tournaments Masterpoint Race

Top 100 masterpoint winners in District 25 Regional 299er & Gold Rush events by year. This race has been replaced by the Best in Class Awards. 

    2015 2014

Best in Class Awards

Top masterpoint winners in each masterpoint class in all events sponsored by District 25 by year:

    2020 2019
2018 2017 2016 2015

Final Standings of 2021 Masterpoint Races for District 25.


Final Standings of 2020 Masterpoint Races for District 25.


Final Standings of 2019 Masterpoint Races for District 25.

Final Standings of 2018 Masterpoint Races for District 25.

Final Standings of 2017 Masterpoint Races for District 25.

Final Standings of 2016 Masterpoint Races for District 25.

Final Standings of 2015 Masterpoint Races for District 25.

Final Standings of 2014 Masterpoint Races for District 25.

Final Standings of 2013 Masterpoint Races for District 25.

Final Standings of 2012 Masterpoint Races for District 25.

Final Standings of 2011 Masterpoint Races for District 25.